Weekend 1,part 1
It was an interesting weekend to say the least;although,it wasn't meant to be one.On saturday,I was supposed to attend the 'long night of science' organised by the 4 universities of Berlin.TheTechnical University,where i Work is one of them.The secretary of my department,was kind enough to give me a ticket which entitled free use of public tansport from 1700 hrs to 0300 hrs the next day.I felt that this God sent piece of paper was too good to waste on a lamescience fair.I was sitting and chalking out places to visit and to max out my ticket.Meanwhile,Dr. Dasgupta,the visiting professor from IIT Kanpur,was busy making plans of his own.Those plans involved me for some reason.
Saturday morning,I walked to Tiergarden.Dont let the garden part confuse you,it is absolutely huge.On my way,i came across a famous flea market.Later,I learnt it was one of the biggest and most famous in Berlin.About the size of the thursday vegetable market near my house,but infinitely more interesting.Obviously,I was apalled to see people not bargaining.I think Russell Peters is right on target when he says 'Indian people cant live without a bargain'.Okay,i wont try to bargain in a supermarket,but i thought the whole purpose of a flea market was to sharpen your bargaining skills.
I ran a bit in the tiergarden,and got lost.Not the scary kind of lost,but the exploring kind of lost.I ran bythe river Spree and it was an awesome feeling.The 'Grossen angel' or the golden angel helped me find my way back.I left home at 8 and returned at 11.The golden angel stands on an intersection where the 'Street of 17th june' meets 'Unter der Linden'.Workers from east Berlin held a massive protest on this street on 17th June 1953.It is the Berlin equivalent of Jallianwallah bagh.Okay,too much history.
After that I went to the university to do a little work and met Dr.Dasgupta there.He had figured out a great plan involving us watching the night of science.Not bad,except there goes my free ticket.So,we left together and at 1700 hrs we saw the inaugration.I immediatly realized that this wasnt a chotta sa fair,but absolutely huge.It must have been an organizational nightmare.Centres all across the city,special buses to run etc.But this is Germany,and everything was brilliantly done and bang on time.
(to be concluded)
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